22 September 2009

Today is the First Day of AUTUMN

AUTUMN—overlooked my knitting
Dyes—Said he—have I
Could disparage a Flamingo
Show Me them—Said I

~Emily Dickinson

Today, Autumn begins.
My AUTUMN SHOW began on September 1st. It includes my portraits of the following people celebrating their Autumn events:

September 5, 1957: Jack Kerouac's most famous book, ON THE ROAD is published.

September 26, 1888: T.S. Eliot is born in St. Louis, Missouri.

September 20, 1962: Alfred Hitchcock's The Alfred Hitchcock Hour makes it's TV debut.

October 2, 1955: Alfred Hitchcock makes his TV debut with Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

October 1, 1957: Little Richard suddenly quits rock n' roll for religion.

October 8, 1962: Little Richard begins rock n' roll comeback tour in Britain.

October 11, 1884: Eleanor Roosevelt is born in New York City.

October 18, 1957: Paul McCartney first performs in John Lennon's band, The Quarrymen.

October 30, 1885: Ezra Pound is born in Hailey, Idaho.

My AUTUMN SHOW runs til October 31st.
Don't miss it!

Unlike the First Day of Autumn,
it won't be back next year.