31 December 2012

"And my friends have lost their way..."

Like lost coins
in a sofa's cushions

This time of the year I go through my website updating copyright lines, checking links, deleting old pages, etc., etc. I came upon two pages that got lost over the years when I reformatted my website back in 2009. One was of Bela Lugosi as Dracula. The other was a montage of George Harrison, Natalie Wood, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain and Louisa May Alcott called Two Days in November. Interesting stories about both as well.

Bela Lugosi as DRACULA

Two Days in November


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28 December 2012

"Baby, You can Drive My Car..."

Driving in a snowstorm

It was never my intention to depict this last spread in A Place I Don't Belong as a red Cadillac driving in a snowstorm. The sky backdrop started out just as solid black. And the blank white page was just to be that -- a blank white page. But somehow that sky of very early dawn can give that white page a look of snow. This could have been my theme page for yesterday's drive to Boston and back in Winter Storm Euclid.

Imagine doing that trip in a 1956 red Cadillac?

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26 December 2012

"All day long, singing songs for everyone..."


I woke to a work dream. Quark XPress (which may equate "nightmare" to those inDesign-ers out there). And the theme song was "...so, this is Christmas. (Work ain't over, even if you want it)..." Or was it? "...so, this is Wednesday (Christmas is over)..."

Either it's
Hi Ho! Hi Ho!...

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21 December 2012

"All my troubles seemed so far away..."

YESTERDAY was a most enjoyable "15 minutes!" Greetings and well-wishes from family, friends, co-workers and even strangers upon reading the great write up by David Rainville on me in The Recorder.

Thank you!

And what great timing as it's all going to END today. Right?

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20 December 2012

"I just had to laugh. I saw the photograph..."

THU, DEC. 20, 2012

The RECORDER ran its feature article in their ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT section today on ME! A very nice piece written by David Rainville that tells my story of "doing what I love." From my start as a janitor in a nursing home painting on walls, to my 'lucky break' in the commercial art world doing cartoons for an ad campaign, to my present job as an associate art director at a safety, health and education publisher. The article tells of my hero-worship beginnings as a Beatle-maniac in the '60's. And how over the years I have brought all my gods and goddesses together -- in unlikely combinations -- together in my art. Most recently, with the self-publication of my three graphic-novel magazines.

Pick up The Recorder today and check it out!

NOTE: Image above is an FPO an older article printed in The Recorder.

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15 December 2012

"Your Mother should know..."

I asked my LIVE-JOURNAL friends to weigh in on two closing lines to the project I was working on titled "SAINT RINGO."

I ended up tabling the project to work on

Similarly, I just tabled another "in-progress" project for a story I shared with my mother at one of our weekly dinners. I wouldn't necessarily use her as a sounding board for creative projects I'm working on (well,... for one, I think she would be a little bias being "MOM" and all) But I sort of wanted her OK to use a reference to the day my father died. Anyhow, she was OK with that and liked the story's premise.

I've often read amongst the writers' posts on LIVE-JOURNAL, if you can tell your story in a quick couple of sentences -- or as they say "an elevator answer" -- you're on the right track. Well, my description to mom was a lot longer than one or two sentences but when I went to re-cap the evening I was able to sum it as such: The young ARTIST discovers CREATIVITY targeted towards AUTHORITY can have MONSTROUS results.

Its working title is

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08 December 2012

"Good Morning! Good Morning!"

From "A Place I Don't Belong"

TODAY at the coffee shop...

From "A Place I Don't Belong"

YOU CAN SAVE a dollar...

From "Ain't gonna hang no pixel"

ENJOY THE ARTWORK on the walls...

From "Ain't gonna hang no pixel"

LISTEN TO some music...

From "Emily comes to my house"


From "Emily comes to my house"

IF YOU CARE to join me for a cup of tea....

From "Emily comes to my house"

I WOULD LOVE to sign your book or just talk about the art or just enjoy the music and the very special day...

105 Main Street
Northfield, MA
(413) 642-7119
Hours: M-F 7am - 4pm
SAT 9am - 2pm

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04 December 2012

"One and one and one is three..."

105 Main Street
Northfield, MA
(413) 642-7119
Hours: M-F 7am - 4pm
SAT 9am - 2pm

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03 December 2012

"She said, she said..."

She was working as a waitress
She moved with grace and style
"You wanna save a dollar?"
She offered with a smile.
"Northfield Books and Coffee,
I wouldn't steer you wrong.
Save yourself a dollar
On A Place I don't Belong!"

105 Main Street
Northfield, MA
(413) 642-7119
Hours: M-F 7am - 4pm
SAT 9am - 2pm

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02 December 2012

"I just had to look, having read the book..."

The businesses of Northfield, MA will present their seventh annual holiday celebration, A Special Day in Northfield. As part of this event, Kevin Slattery's latest self-published graphic-novel magazine, A Place I Don't Belong (along with his prior publications, "Ain't gonna hang no pixel" and "Emily comes to my house") will be on sale for only $4.00 each ($1.00 off the cover price) at Northfield Coffee & Books.

In the style of 1960's magazines like MAD or National Lampoon, A Place I Don't Belong makes a great inexpensive gift or stocking stuffer.

CLICK HERE to preview
A Place I Don't Belong online.

105 Main Street
Northfield, MA
(413) 642-7119
Hours: M-F 7am - 4pm
SAT 9am - 2pm

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29 November 2012

"Yesterday, all my troubles..."

Yesterday, I wrote how I'd been working on this piece and how it's sort of becoming that piece. Well, last night I'm looking at this magazine cover...

...and I see the artist take this picture and make a mask out of it (so he can be like the image on the cover). And I see him stick his head out the window (see cover) and shout something at the angel floating outside the window (again, see cover). So, I go to bed and I have one of those just before you awake dreams about the artist who makes a Dylan mask to be "Nowhere Man." (And at some point he puts on a pair of magic cowboy boots) And he goes around fixing the world's problems (or just getting through his day) with a little bit of magic (maybe some help from his friends) quoting song titles from Beatles' albums as his only dialog.

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28 November 2012

"We can work it out..."

I've been working on my "next project." My magazine to debut in 2013. And it started out "like this" but I can see it's starting to look a little "like that."

Ain't it funny how those things happen?

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26 November 2012

"The Henderson's will all be there..."

In a POSTER kind of mood this evening...
One for a show that's up at the coffee shop. One that's on it's way.

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23 November 2012

"Friday morning at 9 o'clock.."

It's your choice: A Place I Don't Belong (along with "Ain't gonna hang no pixel" and "Emily comes to my house") will be on sale today at Northfield Coffee & Books.

You can wait til Monday or CLICK HERE to buy
A Place I Don't Belong online now.

105 Main Street
Northfield, MA
(413) 642-7119
Hours: M-F 7am - 4pm
SAT 9am - 2pm

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