1. Monday
In an attempt to organize the random verses I've been creating for "A Place I Don't Belong," I sat down with a note pad and wrote them in the linear order as I see them in this graphic-novel magazine's layout. Only just from memory.
I think that resulted in a completely new first verse.
Some of the other verses were complete as I could remember them word for word like any good song lyrics. Other entries only had the lines I could remember. Some verses only had a place holder. I know I created a verse for what happens at this point of the story, only I don't remember a word! I'll make an effort to track down those random envelope backs and scrap pieces of paper and fill them into this one 'master document' -- this lined note pad.
I'm sporadically trying to read two books while doing all this. A recipe for disaster in itself. One of these books is Stephen King's On Writing. I'm not very far into it. Not even to the "writing half" of it. One thing for sure, I don't expect to find anything as chaotic as the writing process I just described.
I finished my commission piece! Was rather pleased about the process and all even though it was quite a bit of a struggle to "get started." I don't know why that is.
I can't include the piece here, just yet. Gotta wait until the 'surprise' is given. It's a 'thank you card' to soldier who's just returned from Afghanistan. He's riding a magic carpet that he purchased while over there and commenting on how this advantage point is much better than a tree stand. This is making his 'targets' -- a deer and a turkey -- a bit nervous.
Bet you can't wait to see it?
3. Thursday
Maybe I get tired of hanging up monthly posters. Or missing "new poster due" deadlines.