25 January 2008

When books inspire art...

the beatles met elvis
I read this passage where the Beatles met Elvis in 1965 in L.A. His house was "like a cheesy lounge." The scene was awkward. The Beatles just sat around and said nothing while Elvis flipped channels on a big wall-sized TV.

Elvis finally said he was going to bed if "they were just going to sit around and stare at him."

He finally suggested they play some music. They did. And drank a lot.

Lennon started putting on a fake French accent and poking fun at Elvis.

When they left, John said "Zanks for zee museek! And Long Live the KING!"

This PhotoShop collage was inspired by that passage.

(click to embiggen)

It's ELVIS MONTH on kevinslattery.com!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I now that Elvis ≠ Dylan, but this post reminds me of this youtube video... have you seen it?
