17 March 2009

ART and TRIVIA For Saint Paddy's Day

Today is St.Patrick's Day

and today according to the MARCH show...

March 17, 1905: Eleanor Roosevelt and
Franklin D. Roosevelt are married.

"What say we put a little touch of Irish whiskey in your tea, Ellie, eh?"

FOUR YEARS AGO today I was finishing up something.
Something "not GREEN at all." In fact, something "VERY RED." Curious?

It was home stretch for a piece I knick-named "RED EMILY."
I never photographed or scanned this piece in it's entirety when it was finished. What you're looking at is the "most finished" copy of the image I have. That is, outside of it's frame. I do have some pictures of those. One includes where it now hangs on a wall in a house somewhere in New York.

A wonderful librarian bought it!

Just something curious I found in my archives.


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