NEXT SATURDAY the two drawings that never seem to go anywhere that my other art gets to go, will be in a show. NINA'S NOOK Annual TRIPLE-S Show. Yes, those two drawings of mine are never allowed anywhere cuz they just don't know what to wear. So, Uma and Joyce wear nothing. NAKED!
Well, there's one place where naked is OK. In fact, it's encouraged. Read on:
Third Annual erotic art exhibit in a uniquely intimate space in downtown Turners Falls. Local artists turn up the heat in readiness for Valentine's Day--sculpture, cards, naughty puzzles, fine art dolls. Nudity, nakedness, and the full monty on view.
Meet the artists at the opening reception at nearby totally funky (and more spacious) Madison on the Ave. The gallery will open at 1pm and closes at 7pm on opening day. The reception starts at 5.
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