THE ORIGINAL LAYOUT of "A Place I Don't Belong" was only going to use the three verses of the song (of the same title). That changed. Three verses became 13. The first verse of the song became verses 2 through 5 of the magazine. Each magazine verse had lines added before and/or after so that it maintained its original line position of the song.
"She was working as a waitress..."
"...She was a movie star..."
"...She was looking for a driver. Someone to drive her car..."
"...I said that I was hungry. What'd I say that was so wrong?..."
The stories behind the story, its poetry, its art and the creative process. This event takes place on November 17 at Northfield Coffee & Books at 12 noon.
105 Main Street
Northfield, MA
(413) 642-7119
Hours: M-F 7am - 4pm
SAT 9am - 2pm
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