16 October 2012

"She became a legend of the silver screen..."

So far, we have met the POET, the BLONDE MOVIE STAR (the WAITRESS), the FAT MOVIE DIRECTOR and the COMPOSER -- of the nine characters my two graphic-novel magazines -- Ain't gonna hang no pixel and A Place I Don't Belong * -- have in common.

In A Place I Don't Belong, The RED-HEADED STARLET competes for the title role in a movie The FAT MOVIE DIRECTOR directs, (The COMPOSER creates a score for) and The WAITRESS auditions for.

If this quote on this note card is any indication how The RED-HEADED STARLET plays the game, it's no wonder she got the part!

"She's a BEACH!" as this spread from Ain't gonna hang no pixel and this coffee mug design illustrate.

THIS SATURDAY! October 20th. The magazines, the note cards, the coffee mugs, the prints, the RED-HEADED STARLET and I will be at the 2nd Annual PAINT & PIXEL Festival!

Hope you will be, too!

* A PLACE I DON'T BELONG debuts at
the 2nd Annual PAINT & PIXEL Festival.

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Barbara Etlin said...

Bette (the Red-Headed Starlet) co-starred in more movies with Bogie than any other actress, yet they were never a romantic team.

I saw them both, for the first time, in the 1937 movie, Marked Woman. They were both good. For a change, in this part of Bogie's career, he plays a good guy, a district attorney trying to nail the mobster who is terrifying Bette.

slatts said...

YAY!, Barb—thanks for the great movie trivia. Everybody knows her "second-half" career as the "Baby Jane" and the like but I really love her early stuff—though she was no less notorious in those roles, either—just gorgeous!