On September18, 2012, I completed this spread. I was quite pleased with its results. This spread had been quite a struggle since the very beginning. I had focused so much on WHO lost all in the earlier designs. With this direction towards THE PLACE where all was lost and the feeling of loss, well, I think, it illustrated it best.
How could I have known what a prediction this spread and its "I woke up in the morning and everything was gone" message would be? For less than eight hours later I showed up to work to find my computer had a complete meltdown. Toast. Down. Crash.
Everything was gone!
There were some important work things gone. Many inconvenient things to be found "missing" in the weeks to come. But the biggest loss was a collection of scanned caricature-portraits I had done of all the retirees for the past, maybe, ten years. And the sad part of this is I had said to myself, "Myself, you should put these on thumb-drive and take these home -- they would great on your site." only days before.
So, if there's any lessons here, they are: DON'T put off until tomorrow what you should do today. And... BACK IT UP, dammit!
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